Autism, 3 Courses


Helping Kids & Teens with Autism - Make Friends, Feel Brave, Be Confident

Award-winning courses for helping your child with Autism


Choose a course to find out more...

Secret Agent Society

(Ages 7-12yo)

Australia's most popular social skills & emotional regulation skills course for kids with Autism.

Highly recommended by speech therapists, occupational therapists and psychologists.

Yes! Tell me about Secret Agent Society

PEERS - Teens Social Skills

(Ages 12-17yo)

This outstanding course has equipped teenagers who have Autism in 80 countries.

Highly recommended by speech therapists, occupational therapists and psychologists.

Yes! Tell Me About Teens Programs (Peers)

Minecraft Teamwork Skills

(Ages 7-15 yo)

Mini-groups who build social skills, negotiation skills and friendship skills, led by Autism experts.

One of the fastest-growing communities of kids with Autism in Australia.

Tell Me About Minecraft Social Skills Groups

We Help Your Child Achieve Their NDIS Goals

We have different goals for each child and team.

We set goals depending on your child's NDIS objectives and we match goals to your child's unique personality. 

Recommended by:

Speech Therapists

Occupational Therapists


Teachers & Principals.


Fun and Effective.

Parents Are Saying:

"Oh My Goodness! Blake absolutely loved last night. Thank you so much !!!!

It made him feel very special and comfortable"

- 10 y.o. Blake's Mum, Vic


"Thankyou. He had a great time and talked about it all day long."

- Janelle, Mum of energetic 9 y.o.


“He didn't stop talking about it.

It gives him something to look forward to on the weekends.

I really think this will be amazing for him.”

- Jan, Parenting her 12 y.o.

I really appreciate you spending the extra time to meet the goals of the session.”

- Fiona, Mum of 8 y.o.

PARENTS: Choose a course to find out more:

Secret Agent Society

(Ages 7-12yo)

Australia's most popular social skills & emotional regulation skills course for kids with Autism.

Highly recommended by speech therapists, occupational therapists and psychologists.

Tell me about Secret Agent Society

PEERS - Teens Social Skills

(Ages 12-17yo)

This outstanding course has equipped teenagers who have Autism in 80 countries.

Highly recommended by speech therapists, occupational therapists and psychologists.

Tell Me About Teens Programs

Minecraft Teamwork Skills

(Ages 7-15 yo)

Mini-groups who build social skills, negotiation skills and friendship skills, led by Autism experts.

One of the fastest-growing communities of kids with Autism in Australia.

Tell Me About Minecraft Social Skills Groups
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