How to express opinions when playing with others
How to negotiate - and being willing to take on ideas from others
How to listen in a way that others know you care - and how to say 'Yes' or 'No'.
How to chat about topics that BOTH your child and their friend will enjoy
So many other helpful ideas!
3-step plan for making new friends
Turning ‘kids I know’ into ‘real friends’
How to respond when others don't seem to want to play
Ways to turn 'kids at school' into 'friends I play with'
We help about 80 students a week in Minecraft mini-groups.
There is a step-by-step process we use for helping kids unlock their thoughts and feelings and make friends in Minecraft.
We help your child learn to express themselves in a way that make friendships easier.
We'll show you exactly how we do that so you can use those same strategies at home with your child.
Social skills can be learned.
We love helping your family thrive.
Supported by the team at Athletic Koala.
Also working alongside Pathway Partnerships.
We are AUSTRALIA-WIDE and even WORLD-WIDE on Zoom.
Office: 18 Wakool Circuit, Kaleen, 2617
All Rights Reserved | Amazing Skills For Kids