PEERS Session 13 Learning

Session #13

Dealing with INDIRECT Bullying (Rumours, gossip etc)

autism amazing skills peers

MYTH: "There's nothing I can do when my class is mean to me."

This week we will look at INDIRECT forms of bullying including 'Handling Cyberbullying and Minimising Rumours and Gossip'. INDIRECT forms of bullying such as cyberbullying, rumours and gossip happen behind our back but we can handle it.

Strategies needed to address INDIRECT forms of bullying are very different to those we might use for DIRECT forms of bullying.

Instead, we are going to focus on what we can do in these situations to make it less likely that we are bullied again, and strategies to address the situation if it does occur again.

We encourage you to continue to practice with your child the steps for 'handling disagreements' and 'Handling Direct Bullying' that we covered last week as well.

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